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Banking M&A expected to pick up in 2025

Veritum’s Simon Samuels is interviewed by Bloomberg TV to give his views on the drivers of European banking M&A in 2025.

Veritum Partners expands

Veritum Partners is delighted to welcome Andy Griffiths as a new partner.

The trouble with Unicredit’s interest in Commerzbank

Veritum Partners’ Simon Samuels writes in the FT that whilst banks getting bigger may offer certain attractions there are significant drawbacks – especially for the taxpayer.

Capital levels are a poor predictor of bank failure

Veritum Partners’ Simon Samuels writes in the FT that bank regulators should be embracing much more sophisticated measures of lenders’ health than purely capital ratios.

Are 25 year fixed rate mortgages a good idea?

Veritum Partners’ Simon Samuels interviewed by BBC Radio 4’s PM program discussing the pros vs cons of 25 year fixed rate mortgages.

Will this year bring investor activism to Europe’s banks?

Veritum Partners’ Simon Samuels discusses in the FT whether conditions are improving for increased shareholder activism.

Rogue traders, lower profits and investor-day flops

FT columnist Patrick Jenkins discusses SocGen’s 2023 Investor Day content citing analysis by Veritum Partners.

Metro Bank strikes rescue deal to boost finances

BBC cites Veritum Partner’s Simon Samuels discuss the longer term challenges facing Metro Bank.

The state of our banks in June 2023

Simon Samuels Veritum partner was interviewed 22 June 2023 by Sean Farrington on BBC Radio 4’s Today program.

Why the UK needs to ditch the ringfencing of banks

The UK’s move to relax some of the so called ringfencing restrictions on the banking sector as part of wider ‘Big Bang 2.0” reforms after Brexit is a case of too little, too late

The DECL taskforce publishes updated guidance around IFRS9 ECL disclosure

Simon Samuels Veritum partner and co-chair of the DECL taskforce has helped pubish updated IFRS9 guidance

Banks must not overlook the importance of institutional memory

Knowing how to avoid the mistakes of the past is crucial

The dividend ban has failed and should be lifted

Regulators have unwittingly weakened rather than strengthened European…

The investability of banks

The investability of banks: A discussion with Alex Brazier (BoE), Simon Samuels (Veritum) and John Cronin (Goodbody)

Banks need to prepare now for Covid-19 losses later

European lenders should not be tempted to delay as they did after the 2008 crisis

Ten lessons for dealing with investors in a crisis

Mark Merson, who was head of IR at Barclays during the financial crisis, offers the following advice on investor communications during a crisis.

Just say no to destructive mergers and acquisitions

The collapse of PMI-Altria talks is a rare bright spot amid dealmaking juggernaut

From Lloyds Bank to Wells Fargo to Metro Bank

Metro Bank’s fate is a warning to watch the metrics

Beware the M&A Escape Route

Investors are wary of banks who do deals  

Investors must allow companies to focus on the long term

It’s often said that shareholders get the companies they deserve

The death of Basel?

Is Basel’s 30 year reign over bank regulation coming to an end?

Banks benefit when they employ more women at the top

Was the deputy leader of the Labour party right when she claimed in 2009 that Lehman Brothers wouldn’t have gone bust if it had been Lehman Sisters?